Saiba mais sobre os produtos, aplicações e processos de carbeto de silício da Fivens
Moldamos os sectores
Como líder mundial na produção de grãos e pós de carbeto de silício, a Fiven dedica-se a fornecer soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis para as indústrias actuais e futuras. Orgulhamo-nos de manter relações duradouras e de confiança com uma gama diversificada de clientes que são líderes nas suas respectivas indústrias em todo o mundo.
Os nossos seis valores fundamentais
Os nossos objectivos para os nossos produtos e serviços são melhorar o desempenho dos produtos dos nossos clientes, aumentar a eficiência dos seus processos de fabrico e prolongar a vida útil do seu equipamento. Planeamos atingir estes objectivos através dos nossos "Seis valores-chave".
Commitment to Environment, Health and Safety
No matter where we produce, we always apply the same high standards to ensure safe and healthy working conditions with the least impact on our environment.
Reliability of Supply
Finding and qualifying the right supplier can be costly. With Kymera International, our customers have a reliable source that has been in the market for years. As the biggest producer of silicon carbide, we can meet large or sudden demands
Consistency of Quality
We know that the success of our customers’ products depends on high-quality resources. Therefore, we take several measures to make sure each shipment fits their specifications.
Innovation in conjunction with our customers (co-development)
We will develop a tailor-made solution together with our customers. It allows them to optimize their raw material to reach maximum performance.
Respect of confidentiality for each customer
Working closely together makes trust crucial. We want our customers to feel comfortable sharing their information with us. Their information is safe, and we will not disclose it with other businesses outside Kymera International.
Local presence combined with worldwide excellence standards
We stand by and support our customers that are producing around the world, and as they look to expand their business to other countries.